[Chinese Queens]

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Chinese Queens can be played by 2, 4 or 6 players. Each of them must move 10 marbles from their start position, within a branch of the 6-branch star board, to the opposite branch.

Movement rules

Players move one of their marble one after the other.
Marbles can be moved either with small moves, either with jump moves. Marbles can never be moved backward. In a small move, a marble goes to one of the hole next to its position. The next figure shows allowed (green) position for a marble doing a small move. The marble's player goes from the bottom star branch to the top star branch. Red positions are not allowed.

[Short Move]

In a jump move, a marbles jumps over one or several other marble (belonging to the same player or not). When a marble jumps over anothe marble, it moves to the symetric position, compared to the jumped marble. All holes between the moving marble and the jumped marble, and between the jumped marble and the destination hole must be free. Jumps can not go backward. Jumps can only be performed in one the the six major directions.

[Long Move]


A player wins when he/she is the first to move its 10 marbles in its goal star branch (the star branch opposite to its starting star branch).


A player scores one point when he/she moves a marble in its goal star branch. Therefore, the winning player scores 10 points.

Game types

Simple game

A simple game is a unique Chinese Queen game, with 2, 4 or 6 players.


In a championship, every player plays against all the other in duel games. The player's score is computed by adding all the player's game scores.


Here are a few hints to help you beating your opponents :

Mail to Stef